Allows you to roll the following dice directly from your devices, as though you have the real thing. Great for Role Playing Games, or those times in life when you just have to flip a coin:* D2 (a coin)* D4 (four sided die)* D6 (six sided die)* D8 (eight sided die)* D10 (ten sided die)* D12 (twelve sided die)* D20 (twenty sided die)* Percentile (two ten sided die)Android Wear only; both round and square watches are supported. Although developed on an LG G Watch, it does look cooler on a round display. All dice are rendered and textures using OpenGL. Haptic feedback is used to emulate the sensation of the dice "striking" a table when rolled.If you want to use this for older or non-Android Wear devices, please find Hedra Legacy.PERMISSIONS:* Control vibration - Will vibrate during dice rolling.FEEDBACK:If you encounter any crashes, please report them. Any and all feedback or suggestions are welcome.